- DWYER UXF2超声波流量转换器(流量计)
品牌:DWYER 型号:UXF2 加工定制:否 类型:超声波 测量范围:1 m3/h 精度等级:0.5 公称通径:15 mm 适用介质:气液 工作压力:5 MPa 工作温度:70 ℃ DWYER UXF2超声波流量转换器(流量计)
介质: 能透过超声波信号不含气泡的洁净液体 (如洁净水和化学溶液).
输入: BNC 连接, 传感器同轴电缆.
范围: 0 to ± 32.8 fps (0 to ±10 m/s).
显示: 2色 LED (常用: 绿色, 不常用: 红色), 带背光LCD, 2行16字, 语言:英文, 日文, 法语,德语, 或西班牙语.
精度: 流量的1.5 至 2%.
电源: 100至120 VAC± 10% 50/60 Hz, 或200至240 VAC ± 10% 50/60 Hz, 或20至30 VDC.
能耗: 15 VA or less for AC power supply, 5W or less for DC power supply.
温度范围: 环境温度 122°F (50°C).
输出: 模拟: 4 to 20 mA DC, 1 point; 数字: Open Collector: 1 point, Relay contact: 1 point.
串口通讯: RS- 232C or RS-485.
封装: IP65.
材质: ABS.
电气接头: 旋紧接线端.
安装: 挂墙或2B管路安装.
重量: 1.8 lb (0.8 kg).型号 描述
UXF2-11P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 100 to 120 VAC.
UXF2-21P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 200 to 240 VAC.
UXF2-31P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 20 to 30 VDC.
UXF2-12P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 100 to 120 VAC, RS-232 communication.
UXF2-22P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 200 to 240 VAC, RS-232 communication.
UXF2-32P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 20 to 30 VDC, RS-232 communication.
UXF2-13P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 100 to 120 VAC, RS-485 communication.
UXF2-23P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 200 to 240 VAC, RS-485 communication.
UXF2-33P1 Ultrasonic flow converter, 20 to 30 VDC, RS-485 communication. -