• DWYERDwyer插入式热能表IEFB


     品牌:DWYER  型号:IEFB  加工定制:否  
     类型:电磁  测量范围:0-6 m3/h 精度等级:1  
     工作压力:10 MPa 工作温度:85 ℃  

    IEFB是一种现场可调插入式热能计,使用电磁技术精确可靠地测量流体速度和能量消耗。高精度IEFB可调,以适应4至10”(100至250 mm)的管道尺寸,而标准精度IEFB适用于4至36”(100至900 mm)的管道尺寸。IEFB将一个温度计和一个计算器集成到一个单元中。液晶显示屏提供仪表值的清晰读数,包括温度和能耗,因此非常适合安装在冷水机组、锅炉和其他加热和制冷应用中。测量精度高,寿命长,年运行成本*低。此外,它还提供多种输出选项,包括2线RS-485上可选择的BACnet MS/TP或ModbusRTU通信协议和标准模拟、频率和报警输出。
    监控冷水机冷却输出性能工业锅炉加热性能能效监控热能优化性能商业和住宅热能消耗和计量区域供热和制冷监控能源成本分配监控功能灵活,现场可配置设置显示(-LCD集成选件或远程附件A-IEF-DSP)可适应多种应用配置。应用信息可选择显示,包括管道尺寸、管道材料、液体类型、模拟输出、脉冲/频率输出、警报输出、通信、输出、阻尼和校准系数 通过温度变化保持高性能精度,密度和/或粘度 安装向导和安装工具易于使用,提供快速和精确的安装
    附件安装套件A-IEF-kit配有测厚仪和卷尺,以确保准确的安装深度 流量计没有可防止结垢的移动部件和电极,这使流量计具有较长的使用寿命*大限度地减少维护的需要热取压隔离阀配件允许在操作系统中轻松安装和拆卸,而无需系统停机

    Service:Compatible clean or dirty non coating, conductive liquids.

    Range:0 to 20 ft/s (0 to 6 m/s). *For max flowrates >10 ft/s (3 m/s) order option -CC.

    Wetted Materials:

    Body shaft/fitting: 316 SS; Electrodes: 316 SS; Electrode cap: Polymer/polystyrene; O-ring:Silicone; Thermowells: 304 SS.

    BTU Accuracy:

    Per EN1434/ASTM E3137/CSA C900.1-13: High Accuracy Units: Class 2 for 2 to 20 ft/s (0.6 to 6 m/s)**; Standard Accuracy Units: Class 3 for 6.5 to 20 ft/s (2 to 6 m/s)**.
    **Verified at standard temperature 73.4°F (23°C) refer to listed standards for detailed accuracy formulations.

    Flow Sensor Accuracy:High Accuracy Units: ±0.5% of reading at calibrated velocity, ±1% of reading from 2 to 20 ft/s (0.6 to 6 m/s) ±0.02 ft/s (±0.006 m/s) at < 2 ft/s (0.6 m/s); Standard Accuracy Units: ±1% FS.

    Temperature Accuracy:Class B ±(0.30 + 0.005*t)°C per EN60751.

    Differential Temperature Accuracy:Et = ±[0.5 +3*(Delta)(Theta)min/(Delta)(Theta)] % per EN1434 for differential temperature.

    Calculator Accuracy:Ec = ±[0.5 +(Delta)(Theta)min/(Delta)(Theta)] % per EN1434.

    Temperature Compensation:140 to 220°F (60 to 104.4°C) < 2% error over ±30°F (-1.1 °C) change, 40 to 70°F (4.4 to 21.1°C) < 2% error over ±10°F (-12.2°C) change.

    Temperature Limits:Ambient: -20 to 160°F (-29 to 71°C)**; LCD -4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C); Process: 15 to 250°F (-9 to 121°C); Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C).

    Process Connection:Flowmeter: 1" NPT or BSPT with accessory full port ball valve options; Thermowell: (2) 1/2" NPT or BSPT thermowell with 1" full port ball valve options.

    Pressure Limit:400 psi (27.6 bar) @ 100°F (37.8°C).

    Pressure Drop:< 0.1 psi at 12 ft/s in 4" (<0.01 bar at 3.7 m/s in 100 mm) and larger pipe.

    Outputs:(1) Analog: 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 0-10 V or 2-10 V (display selectable); (1) Pulse/Frequency: 0-15 V peak pulse, 0 to 500 Hz or scalable pulse output (display selectable); (2) Alarm: Empty pipe detection or minimum/maximum velocity, (display selectable) & Reverse flow output indication.

    Power Requirements:12-42 VDC, .25 A @ 24 VDC; 12-36 VAC.

    Electrical Connection:Removable terminal blocks, (2) model selectable 1/2" female NPT conduit connection, (2) PG 16 gland or (2) PG 16 gland with 10 ft (3 m) 9 conductor 22 AWG plenum rated cables, accessory cable lengths up to 200 ft (61 m) optional.

    Display:(-LCD option): 2 x 2" (50 x 50 mm) graphic LCD with backlight.


    Model Description
    IEFB-FB-PGR10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, 4" (100 MM) pipe, 1% of reading, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-FB-PG-T10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, 4" (100 MM) pipe, 1% of reading, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland
    IEFB-FN-CNDR10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, 8" (200 MM) pipe, 1% of reading, NPT process connections, PG 16 gland, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-HB-PG-R10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland
    IEFB-HB-PGR10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display,BSPT process connections,PG 16 gland, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-HB-PG-T10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland
    IEFB-HB-PGT10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-HN-CND-R10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, NPT process connections, conduit connections
    IEFB-HN-CNDR10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, NPT process connections, conduit connection, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-HN-CND-T10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, NPT process connections, conduit connection
    IEFB-HN-CNDT10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, NPT process connections, conduit connection, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-IB-PGR10LCDCOM Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, 6" (150 MM) pipe, 1% of reading, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland, BACNET/MODBUS® communication output
    IEFB-IB-PG-T10-LCD Insertion Electromagnetic energy system with display, 6" (150 MM) pipe, 1% of reading, BSPT process connections, PG 16 gland


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