• DWYER笔式风速变送器AVPT


     品牌:DWYER  型号:AVPT  加工定制:否  
     测量范围:0-20M  测量精度:3%  尺寸:150 mm 
     重量:0.5 ㎏   

    AVPT系列笔形风速变送器采用热风速计技术,以英制和公制单位提供高精度和稳定的风速测量。 该系列AVPT可配置电压输出或BACnet MS/TP通信,为各种监测设备提供通用输入。 型号可提供固定电缆长度为20或78英寸的飞行导线或5针M12连接器的24英寸电缆。 探头长度可达6英寸或12英寸。 该产品包括一个安装法兰,能够改变插入深度。

    精度可达3%或5%,以适应各种应用程序,而可选的BACnet MS/TP通信协议允许对单元进行连接,以提供对所有速度和温度测量


    不同探头长度 便于安装

    Service:Clean air.

    Ranges:1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000 FPM (5, 10, 15, or 20 m/s); Model specific.


    Standard: ±(5% reading +40 FPM); High accuracy: ±(3% reading +40 FPM); Model specific.

    Power Requirements:24 VAC/VDC ±20%.

    Current Consumption:< 50 mA.

    Outputs:Analog: 0-10 V (0-5 V configurable).

    BACnet MS/TP:Selectable at time of order.

    Supported Baud Rate:9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, and 115200.

    Voltage Output Load Resistance:10k Ω minimum (10 V output with AC supply); 1k Ω minimum all other conditions.

    Electrical Connection:Cable: Plenum rated cable with 22 AWG conductors.

    5-Conductor Cable whip:20" (0.5 m) or 78" (2 m).

    5-pin M-12:24" (0.6 m); model specific.

    Response Time (90%):4 s, typical.

    Operational Temperature Limits:-4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).

    Storage Temperature Limits:-40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).

    Probe Length:6" or 12"; model specific.

    Enclosure Rating:NEMA 3.

    Mounting Orientation:Flow direction must be parallel to the sensor tip; See Installation section for details.

    Weight:1.4 oz (40 g); based on M12 connection with 12" probe length.

    Agency Approvals:CE, RCM, BTL, UL plenum rated (UL tested).

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