• Dwyer平均温度传感器AVG


     品牌:Dwyer  型号:AVG  加工定制:否  
     类型:一体化温度变送器  测量范围:200 ℃ 测量精度:3% ℃ 
     输出信号:4-20MA  工作电压:24 v  

    AVG系列平均温度传感器可用于测量空气处理器中冷却盘管上游的平均温度。 线圈式传感器展开长度为12'或24',以测量大范围内的平均温度读数。 外壳有多个开口,以减少安装管道的时间。 安装支架可用于将毛细管固定在空气处理器的壁上而不产生扭结。 该系列AVG可以订购11个输出选项,允许它与任何标准的建筑控制系统通信。

    Accuracy:Platinum RTD: ±0.6% @ 32°F (0°C); Nickel RTD: ±0.5°F @ 32°F (0°C); Balco RTD: ±0.1% @ 32°F (0°C); Thermistors: ±0.36°F from 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C).

    Operating Temperature:-32 to 240°F (-35.5 to 115.5°C).

    Capillary Length:12' or 24' depending on model.

    Cable Length:8"

    Probe Material:Bendable copper capillary.

    Mounting:Flanged mounting ears.

    Model Description
    AVG-22121 Averaging temperature sensor, PT1000 Ω RTD, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-23121 Averaging temperature sensor, Ni 1000 Ω RTD, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-24121 Averaging temperature sensor, Balco 1000 Ω RTD, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-25121 Averaging temperature sensor, 10K Ω Type II Thermistor, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-26121 Averaging temperature sensor, 3K Ω Thermistor, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-27121 Averaging temperature sensor, 5K Ω Thermistor, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-29121 Averaging temperature sensor, 20K Ω Thermistor, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
    AVG-2B121 Averaging temperature sensor, 10K Ω Type III Thermistor, plastic junction box, 12' capillary.
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