• Dwyer风速计460


     品牌:Dwyer  型号:460  加工定制:否  
     测量范围:0-20  外形尺寸:120 mm  

    Simple and quick, the 460 Air Meter is popular for servicing air conditioning, heating and ventilating equipment. Direct reading velocity and static pressure scales — both low and high ranges — show supply and return grille velocities, furnace draft, pressure drop across filters, etc. The 460 gives consistent, accurate results with no tedious calibration. Rugged plastic for rough daily use. Dual velocity ranges read 260-1200 and 1000-4000 FPM; pressure ranges from .005-.09 and .05 -1.0 in w.c. 

    Model Description
    460 Air meter, range .005-1.0" w.c. and 260-4000 FPM, with probes and carrying case.
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陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司 电话:029-86698996 手机:13891958005 地址: 西安市雁塔区雁翔路99号2-1-1301